The Role of the Arts and Media in Buliding Community Health

Synthesize and say why you agree to certain concepts and why not agree. APA Style format. at the end of this , a question that summed up things , please look the other one you did. Part 6 (Overview, Chapters 15 and 16) in Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare (Third Edition) edited by Meredith Minkler, Rutgers University Press, July 2012, pp. 265-304 “PhotoVoice:  Concept, Methodology and Use for Participatory Needs Assessment” by Caroline Wang and MA Burris in Health Education and Behavior, Vol. 24, Number 3, 1997, pp. 369-38 A Photographic Essay – Art of Recovery in Philadelphia: Murals as Instruments of Personal and Community Healing by Arthur C. Evans, Jane Golden Heriza and William White, pp. 1-16 Healing Comfort through Art,” Philadelphia Inquirer, Jane Golden, Arthur C. Evans, and Samantha Matlin, June 16, 2012 “Arts Organizations and Public Health:Developing Relationships and Programs to Address Local Health Priorities” by Partners for Livable Places, 2011 “How Social Media is Shaking Up Public Health and Healthcare” by Shannon Dosemagen and Lee Aase, Huffington Post Blog, January 27, 2016

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