What CEO attributes are required to foster solutions for 11 predefined management problems…

What CEO attributes are required to foster solutions for 11 predefined management problems. 11 short case studies and a critical interpretive synthesis of peer-reviewed literature. 11 Management problems – what CEO attributes will foster solutions? A integrated literature review was already conducted, using the research question: What kind of management problems are being caused by a market environment of radical disruptive innovations. The following 11 Management problems where already synthesized. These Management problems are especially caused by a market environment of rapid and disruptive innovations. 1) Confronting High uncertainties; 2) Managing High Operation Cost; 3) Issues of Knowledge Transfer; 4) Lack of role awareness map; 5) Inadequate knowledge integration; 6) The issue of project discontinuities; 7) Lack of qualified personnel; 8) Lengthy development timeframes; 9) Government policies and Trademark; 10) Resource allocation; 11) Customer Acceptance Issues. TASKS: A) Please create for each of the 11 management problems a short realistic case study, in which each problem is clearly represented. In that case study you discuss, what role the CEO has in solving that problem and what kind of CEO attributes are necessary to foster solutions. Discuss in depth, how these suggested CEO attributes foster the solutions for that case study. Support your claims with rich referencing. At the end there must be 11 short case studies covering all 11 management problems. B) The first management problem needs special attention, because “uncertainty and unpredictability” are one of the key problems of radical / disruptive innovations. For example, there are several strategic foresight methods (about 30 – 40 different ones) that help CEOs and organizations to predict future scenarios. Scenarios of how products and how the market might develop in future. Also, how production methods might develop. Foresight methods help to reduce the problem of unpredictability / uncertainty. However, the user (CEO) of such foresight methods must display certain attributes to be able to create foresight results. Some future developments might be linier, others are non-liner (means they are disruptive and therefore less predictable). The CEO must be able to UNLEARN linear patterns of development to create strategic foresight results for radical / disruptive innovations. For example, over time the memory of computers increases. This increase continued over past years with such a certainty, that nobody thinks of the next disruptive innovation in memory hardware. However, such disruptive innovation could be some form of a magnetic field or a new material, instead of another generation of SSD / RAM. Only if a CEO unlearns this old pattern of linear memory increase, he might be able to foresee other more disruptive and radical innovations. C) Please ensure additional subjects, such as innovations scouting, expert collaboration, media (literature) research, environmental exploration / experiments and psychology, are considered when formulating methods and attributes that address the 11 management problems. D) A sort case study can have a length of 650 words. Single case study should not exceed 1500 words. Please consider the total space available (30 pages including conclusion). E) There is no need to write another over all introduction. Just start straight forward with the first case study for the first management problem. F) Please complete case study number one first and get approval of the client, for the continuation of the remaining text. G) Please keep in the back of your mind that an article of Harvard Business Review (Lytkina et al. 2017) published, that claims only four specific attributes make a CEO succeed. These four attributes are: 1) “Deciding with speed and conviction.”; 2) “Engaging for impact”; 3) “Adapting proactively” and 4) “delivering reliably”. H) This paper synthetises methods and required skills and behaviours for managing problems caused by radical disruptive innovations and compares them with the research findings of Lytkina et al. (2017). I) Please write a conclusion. In the conclusion, this research paper intents to challenge the findings of Lytkina et al. (2017) and proposes additional CEO attributes, that are essential to direct an organisation through the environment of radical disruptive innovations. That means, based on these 11 management problems and 11 case studies, we will proof, that there are more or other CEO skills required to solve these 11 management problems compared to the 4 attributes published by (Lytkina et al. 2017). J) For your thesis or claims you will be surfed 17 Pages that describe in detail the mentioned 11 management problems. When you formulate your case study and claims about the required CEO attributes, you need to read properly each management problem and address rigorously all the problems mentioned. K) For your claims you need to undertake a new literature review to find the problem-solving methods and attributes required by the CEO and how they foster the solutions of these problems. L) PhD Level writing skill is required. Rich references for each business case study and management problem to support your thesis or claim. Only peer-reviewed references. APA referencing style. Zero plagiarism.

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