Novel ‘Carrie’ and short story ‘the yellow wall paper’

This is the prompt: Using the novel ‘Carrie’ by Stephen King and the short story ‘the yellow Wall paper’, write a comparative analytical essay examining the effects of traditional gender roles in the two texts. You must use at least two of secondary sources from the Book Signs of the Life as evidence in your essay. Work cited page required. In text citation required 4-5 pages. So I would like to welcome who read the novel ‘Carrie’ by King or who like to read it in one or two days. And the short story ‘the yellow Wall paper is only 10 pages long so you can read it quickly. And for the secondary resources, you have to use from 3 essays that I have. I can give them to you. They are only 3 pages long each. And I’m pretty sure you know the In-text citation. If you don’t know I can give you example. Any question, please ask me!!!!!

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