accounting essay.Operating Activities and Income Statement …

Operating Activities and Income Statement. Part One – Business Activity Analysis (450 to 500 words): Explain and analyze the following business activities. Explain and analyze the following business activities(operating activities ). Make sure your analysis includes a comparison to your company’s prior year business activities Operating Activities – Identify and analyze the major business segments. Compare and analyze to the prior year’s 2016-2017 Part Two – Financial Statement Analysis (450 to 500 words): 1- Explain and analyze the following financial statement(income statement only). Make sure your analysis includes a comparison to your company’s prior year financial statements activities 20116-2017. Income Statement – What is the Operating Performance for the Company? Is the company profitable or losing business? Compare and analyze to the prior year.2016-2017 General Information • A minimum of one to three resources per partner is required (Other than the textbook). • Direct quotes must be correctly identified and will not count toward your word count. • Charts, calculations, and/or financial statements will not count toward your word count. • Paraphrasing a resource will not count toward your word count. Paraphrasing is when a resource is copied into your written assignment with a few minor words added every so often. Basically, the student has not written any original ideas or critical analysis. Instead a few words have been added throughout the resource.

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