An experiment with a bird on a air pump (painting)

Imagine that you are an art historian researching your chosen artwork. You will need to find detailed information about the artwork and write up your findings in a research report (1,000 words). The research report should be organized into 4 sections (using the headings listed below) and consist of paragraphs written in complete sentences. Your research report should be organized into the following 4 sections. 1. General Specifications of the Artwork (suggested length: 3-4 sentences) This short section should clearly state the artist, title, date, medium, size, original and current location of your chosen artwork. This section is where you briefly introduce your artwork. 2. Artist, Patron, Original Intended Viewers and Original Location (suggested length: 2 paragraphs) This section should provide basic and relevant information about the artist and the patron(s) of the artwork. You should briefly introduce the artist (i.e. state where the artist lived and worked). You should then introduce the patron, and explain how and why the artwork was commissioned. This section should also explain where the artwork was originally displayed, and who would have been the original intended viewers of the artwork. 3. Visual Description of the Artwork (suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs) This section should explain what the artwork looks like. It should use proper art history/architectural vocabulary to describe in detail the visual characteristics of the artwork. (Hint: Organize your description in a way that allows someone who cannot see the artwork to picture it). Describe the artwork, but do not use value judgments to judge the artwork (beautiful, best, etc.) This section should also answer the question—why does your artwork look the way it looks? To answer this question, discuss 1-2 significant artistic sources for your artwork and explain the relationship between the artistic sources and your artwork (think, for example, of the influence of the Greek Spear Bearer on the Roman Augustus of Primaporta). This section might also discuss the artist’s education or background (Who was the artist’s teacher? Was another artist an influence?), if it helps to explain why the artwork has certain visual characteristics. 4. Cultural Context and Function/Purpose of the Artwork (suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs) This section requires careful research of the culture in which the artwork was made. This section should explain what the function/purpose of the artwork was in its cultural context. It should also explain how the artwork’s visual characteristics relate to that function/purpose. For example, to understand the function/purpose of the ancient Egyptian sculpture Khafre, we need to understand how the sculpture relates to Egyptian death rituals AND why death rituals were so important in ancient Egypt. 2 In your report, be sure to present your research in an organized and effective manner. Each paragraph should discuss a specific idea. Using transitions can help guide your reader from one idea to the next. Using Sources in the Individual Research Report: Students are required to use at least 3 scholarly sources in the Individual Research Report. Acceptable sources include scholarly books and scholarly journal articles on a student’s research topic. General or survey books on art, such as your textbook, do not count toward the required 3 scholarly sources.

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