Analyze internal and external factors that impact a healthcare organization’s success.

Analyze internal and external factors that impact a healthcare organization’s success. Instructions: For this assignment, you will select a healthcare-based organization for review and compose a report. In a 4-6-page paper. Your report needs to provide basic information about the organization. This may include location, size, mission, values, etc. You will be examining and discussing the internal and external factors that impact this particular organization. Be sure to include the following sections: Body Explain each of the key internal factors that impact the business. Internal factors could be: •Finance •Human resource management •Research and development •Production •Service delivery •Marketing •Procurement •Information technology services •Sales •Customer service call centers •Management information systems •Logistics •Fundraising Investigate how factors outside the organization could affect their operations. Be sure to discuss the impact on the business activities, strategy, internal structures, functional activities and stakeholders. External factors may include: •Political •Economic •Social •Technological Conclusion How does the structure relate to the particular sector (private/public/voluntary) that the organization is in? Evaluate how well the organizational structure works (does it work well or could it be improved?). Your completed exercise should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

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