applying theory: the social structure of nail salons

1. you are required to select an article from a MAJOR magazine (Time, Newsweek, Psychology Today, etc.), or from an academic journal, or from another book chapter (not OUR book), etc., that is related to one of the main topics of the current or the previous week’s readings. At least one (1) of these 3 assignments MUST USE AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL ARTICLE. Magazines used must be major, well known periodicals, ie., “Time”, “Newsweek”, “Natl Geographic”, “Psychology Today”, “US News & World Report”, etc. Do not use internet information or blog sites, Wikepedia, NY Times, CNN and don’t use magazines that are NOT well known. Also, NO NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ARE ALLOWED! Papers must be typed, double spaced and must be a minimum of 2 PAGES OF TEXT, ONE COVER SHEET, AND A BIBLIOGRAPHY! (see format guidelines at end of syllabus.) The article you are writing about must be Xeroxed and attached to your paper; if the article is very long, only attach the first 2 or 3 pages – NO EXCEPTIONS!! LATE TOPIC PAPERS AND/OR PAPERS WITHOUT ORIGINAL SOURCE MATERIAL ATTACHED WILL RECEIVE A MAXIMUM OF 3 (yes three!) POINTS EACH. NO BLOG SITE OR NEWSPAPER Need articles attach and copy of some parts the writer has use in article and webpage on the bottom. FORMAT FOR PAPERS THE FOLLOWING FORMAT IS TO BE USED FOR ALL DESIGNATED PAPERS HANDED IN FOR THIS CLASS: 1. All papers must be typed and double-spaced. 2. All papers must be stapled in the upper left-hand corner. 3. All papers must have page numbers on the right-hand side at the bottom of the page. 4. All font sizes must be 12 pct. or smaller. 5. All papers must have a title and a bibliography. 6. All papers must have cover page with the following information: Your Name Title of Paper Title of Course Date Paper is Submitted (You may center this information horizontally and vertically on your cover page.) 7. Your cover page should be one page MORE than the required amount of pages for the assignment, i.e., if the page requirement for the assignment is five pages and the fifth page is the bibliography, the cover sheet would make the paper six (6) pages. 8. None of the information listed in item #6 above should be in the narrative body of your paper; this information should only be on the title page. 9. Points will be subtracted from you paper if paper has not been formatted correctly.

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