Are people with mental health problems at increased risk of violent offending?

The topic question is “Are people with mental health problems at increased risk of violent offending?” My argument based on the 5 references I need to use is that “People with mental health problems are not at increased risk of violent offending?” To support my argument I must use 5 academic journal articles as references. They are; Silver, E., Felson, R.B., VanEseltine, M. (2008) The Relationship Between Mental Health Problems and Violence Among Criminal Offenders (2008). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35 (4), 405 – 426 doi: 10.1177/0093854807312851 Peterson, J.K., Skeem, J., Bray, B., Zvonkovic, A., Kennealy P. (2014) How Often and How Consistently do Symptoms Directly Precede Criminal Behavior Among Offenders With Mental Illness? Law and Human Behaviour, 38 (5), 439 – 449. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000075 Fazel, S., Wolf, A., Fimi?ska, Z., Larsson, H. (2016). Mortality, Rehospitalisation and Violent Crime in Forensic Psychiatric Patients Discharged from Hospital: Rates and Risk Factors. PLOS ONE, 11(5) e0155906. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155906 Skeem, J.L., Winter, E., Kennealy, P.J., Louden, J.E., Tatar II, J.R. (2014). Offenders With Mental Illness Have Criminogenic Needs, Too: Towards Recidivism Reduction. Law and Human Behaviour, 38 (3), 212 – 224. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000054 Stevens, H., Laursen, T.M., Mortensen, P.B., Agerbo, E., Dean, K. (2015). Post-Illness-Onset Risk Of Offending Across The Full Spectrum Of Psychiatric Disorders. Psychological Medicine, 45 (11), 2447 – 2457 .doi: 10.1017/S0033291715000458 The marking criteria sheet for this essay is the attached file. The assignment’s deadline is at 8:55am Australian Eastern Standard Time, so essentially less than 10 hours.

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