Arguments & adjuncts

B. Arguments & adjuncts ( 20pts)

2. One of the main themes Of this course has been to demonstrate that all phrases

are built the same way. They all contain three types of elements:

A head

One or two arguments

Any number of adjuncts

Pick at least four phrases of different categories. With your own examples,

demonstrate that each phrase may contain all three of these elements.

C. Embedded clauses (20pts)

3. Give an example of a sentence with an embedded clause, two adverbs, and a PP.

4. Draw a tree for your sentence, adhering to the CP Hypothesis, TP Hypothesis,

and the DP Hypothesis.

D. Movement (20pts)

5. Provide an example with movement, do-support, an object modified by a PP, and

an adverb modified by another adverb.

6. Draw a tree for your sentence, adhering to the CP Hypothesis, TP Hypothesis,

and the DP Hypothesis.

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