ASW3101 Assessment 2 – Professional Social Work Report (35% weighting of unit assessment)

Students are to write a response to Questions 1-5 below and then complete the Table.
*Please note that the first section of the table, called ‘Personal Information’ is already completed.
1. Briefly explain the purpose/s of completing an assessment in social work practice with reference to readings?
2. a) What are the primary issues of concern in this case study?b) Drawing on your understanding of human development, the effects of trauma and social work practice theory, explain why you think these are of primary concern?
3. Identify and explain each of the social work theories you would use to complete this assessment? (Linking your understanding of the theory with reference material and readings)
4. Identify the assessment and interpersonal skills you would choose to complete this assessment with the client in the case scenario, and provide at least two examples of how you would use them?
5. Identify one of your personal values or beliefs and discuss how this may be challenged while engaged with this scenario and propose how you would address this challenge, mindful of social work ethics
Assessment Report – Marina Heights Community Health Service
Personal Information
Name of client Trudi Ying
Contact details Mobile phone: 0400 123 678 Work 6231 1111
Address: 1 Banks Avenue, Green Valley, Victoria 4500.
Date of birth 1.6.1990
Source of referral Marina Heights Home Care Service
Reason for referral Has been diagnosed with ongoing social phobia following recovery form workplace accident
Presenting Issue Concerns about Ms Ying’s capacity to.
Current financial situation Ms Ying’s financial situation is now under strain.
Employment/education Ms Ying is currently unemployed and not able to look for employment
Does the client identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? No
Background Information
Describe client’s relationships with family members or significant others

Current Situation
Physical health & wellbeing
Mental health & wellbeing
Traumatic events
Spirituality & religion
Client’s concerns about current situation
Client’s expressed wishes or goals
Conclusions & Summary
(Assessment of situation)
(Initial plan for intervention)

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