BADM 3113 Urich Writing Assignment 2 60 points

BADM 3113
Writing Assignment 2
60 points
Please read the Writing Rubric before starting this assignment.
Type your answers on this Word document. You should type a response everywhere you see an “X.” Upload this document to the dropbox on Canvas by the due date as either a PDF or Word file.

Part 1:
In an effort to have you demonstrate self-awareness, you are going to apply the 10 Toxic Psychological Traits to life during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Use these descriptions to answer the questions below:
Typical person: a) Answer according to the article (there is a right answer), not based on your own experience or opinion. Describe the truth for the typical person—not what the typical person would write about themselves. Please add an explanation tying your answer back to the article.
You: b) after self-reflection and soul searching, are you able to find any typical human thoughts and feelings in yourself? In other words, how would you respond as opposed to how the article stated a typical person would respond?

1. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic how are the elderly people afflicted with the disease looked at?
a. Typical person: X
b. You: X

2. Your instructor was making smart ass comments about the coronavirus before the full extent of the catastrophe was known. Some students claim that he said, “There is nothing to worry about. I will personally fly to China and lick people.” Based on the article, how would Urich be looked upon if he contracted the disease?
a. Typical person: X
b. You: X

3. Mid-semester, Spring 2020, OSU switched to online classes because of the Coronavirus. This caused students to incur $180 of costs to utilize a proctored exam system. One student reports that he does not have access to $180. How would this student be looked upon?
a. Typical person: X
b. You: X

4. Urich periodically tries to wind up the class (He tries to change your mind about core beliefs about politics, religion and other sensitive topics by presenting rational arguments and other antics). What impact would these wind ups likely have had on the core beliefs of the listener?
a. Typical person: X
b. You: X

5. Egads! The Coronavirus has taken away a great many human distractions. How do humans fare when faced with sitting with their own thoughts?
a. Typical person: X
b. You: X

6. How kind, trustworthy and honest are you compared to average?
a. Typical person: X
b. You: X

7. This interpersonal skills class has many ways to cheat and cut corners. How would a person who cut corners or cheated be looked upon compared to looking at yourself if you cut corners or cheated?
a. Other person cheating looked upon by you: X
b. You cheating looked upon by you: X

8. During the pandemic one could view many national and local leaders speaking about the pandemic. How would a leader be viewed if he/she insulted others and exhibited an aggressive, even an abusive personality with a high level of psychotic traits?
a. Typical person X
b. You X

9. What wisdom have you acquired from this exercise?


10. Based on the article’s title, how much do you suck?


Part 2: Givers and Takers
1. Based on the lectures, who is more likely to win the game of life, givers takers, or matchers? Why?


2. Based on the lectures, who is more likely to lose the game of life, givers takers, or matchers? Why?


3. After considering the ideas in these lectures, what have you learned and what is your plan gong forward?


4. What specific actions can you take to personally benefit from the ideas demonstrated by this concept?


Part 3: Self-improvement
1. How do you learn something you don’t know?


2. Imagine the sixteen-year-old you watching the “How do you learn something you don’t know” video.
a. How would the 16-year-old you have responded?


b. Has your view evolved since then?


c. What do you think the future you, from 10 years down the road, will think about the current version of you—regarding the video?



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