Benchmark – Reading in Content Areas: Effective Strategies

Practicum Observation Journals Read Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement in preparation for the practicum observation, and research Throughout the practicum for this course, students must attempt to observe three classroom teachers in middle and secondary schools for 10 hours each, according to the following: Grades 7-9 classroom Grades 10-12 classroom Title 1 classroom Write a journal entry on each practicum observation identifying and evaluating the effectiveness of literacy strategies used by the instructors to support reading in the classroom. Reference strategies from Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement and/or from websites utilized for this assignment. These practicum observations will be used for the basis of the Comparative Analysis portion of the Benchmark Assessment in Topic 8. APA format is not required, but solid writing skill and a title page are expected. Complete practicum observation journal entries in the topics in which they are performed and submit all the entries as part of the Benchmark Assignment by the end of Topic 8. Ensure that the classroom teacher has completed a Classroom Teacher Evaluation Feedback Form, found in the practicum manual, for each observation. Mini-Lesson Plans Using your practicum observations, compare and contrast how the observed classroom teachers implemented literacy strategies to support reading in the classroom. Explain how you might facilitate the same strategies in your future classroom. Select three literacy strategies from your coursework. After critiquing each strategy, create three mini-lesson plans that describe the implementation of the strategies you chose for your specific content area and educational environment. Remember to consider the diversity of your students. Lesson Plan templates are located in the Student Success Center. Teaching component: In Topic 7, you will teach each mini-lesson with a group of students using your practicum class or teaching one student in a tutoring environment. This teaching experience will be used for the basis of the Comparative Analysis portion of the Benchmark Assessment in Topic 8. APA format is not required, but solid writing skill and a title page are expected. Submit the three mini-lesson plans as part of the Benchmark Assessment by the end of Topic 8. Comparative Analysis In Topic 8, write a comparative analysis reflecting on and evaluating the literacy strategies you observed in your practicum and those you implemented in teaching your mini-lesson plans. The following considerations should be addressed in your comparative analysis: Did the implementation of the strategy unfold smoothly and effectively? Why or why not? What element of the literacy strategy was most effective to student learning? What aspect of the literacy strategy was difficult to facilitate? Did it negatively impact the overall success of the lesson? How so? How did you interpret the level of student engagement during the literacy strategy? (How would you suggest the literacy strategy be modified to make the lesson more effective? How would you defend your use of or your rejection of this strategy in the future? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the PA Style Guide,

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