BIO 5460L – 600 Environmental Physiology of Animals Final course assignment Value

BIO 5460L – 600 Environmental Physiology of Animals Final course assignment Value – 25% of final grade The goal of this course is to prepare you with a basic background knowledge with regards of how the environment influences organismal physiology. More importantly, we cover the basis of how the organisms’ biochemistry and physiology responds to these changes. In this assignment, you will select a study system (e.g. single species, group of congeners, ecosystem, etc.) from the book, and lay out the basis regarding the system’s biology and ecology, along with the major courses of biochemical adaptation (observed or predicted) when the study system is challenged with an environmental stressor (Temperature, pH, etc.). Part I: Introduction (50 points) – Do not exceed four pages, double space. Feel free to include pertinent figures (appropriately captioned and sized; do not use figures to fill pages) from primary literature to convey the message. Elaborate an introductory section of the study system of your choice. In other words, provide the reader of a comprehensive background regarding the system’s biology/ecology (based on primary literature and our seminar’s book). While working on this introduction, make sure to cover the following points: • Geographic distribution. • Habitat description. • Biological and ecological traits that makes this study system useful to track the effects of environmental change in animals. • How does their habitat may be or is currently affected by climate change? • Cite a minimum of three references. Part II: Biochemical response of the biological system of your choice (50 points) – Do not exceed five pages, double space. Feel free to include pertinent figures (appropriately captioned and sized; do not use figures to fill pages) from primary literature to convey the message. Provide a robust set of arguments regarding what will you expect (based on our reference book, discussions and primary literature) to occur at the molecular, organismal and population levels to the study system, when faced with an environmental stressor. Make sure • • • • • • to include in your analysis the following points: Describe what will be the acute (short term) biochemical response to the stressor, as well as the chronic (long term) response Focus your explanations on what happens at molecular level, including stressor effects to proteins, nucleic acids, lipids. Describe what changes will you expect to occur to the energetic machinery (i.e. mitochondrion) in the face of the stressor. Describe whole organismal response (Aerobic scope, growth, etc.) in response to stressor. Use at least 3 peer reviewed publication concerning the subject Describe the ecological scale response (e.g. changes in population center, population structure, age at maturity, etc.) you will expect for the study system.

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