My topic is “Critical Issues in Accounting (Accounting system) My assessment is to research and write a literature review on a critical issue in Chestro Chocolate Ltd. in Accounting. And the subtopic is Accounting system I have highlighted all the requirements for this assessment. I need minimum 10 APA references Details about Chestro Chocolate Ltd, Assessment format, and Assessment topics are attached to this. Literature Review (1,500 words) should include a minimum of 8 references. 1. Use your Objectives/Scope as subheadings. 2. All information in this section must be referenced. 3. All references should come from English language sites only. ? Research Methodology and Methods (1 Page) identify: 1. Methodology outline whether your research is Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed Methods. Provide justification for your choice, that is why was this specific methodology chosen? 2. Methods identify the right research method/s that you will use appropriate to the Methodology you have chosen. 3. Research Tools/Instruments identify the correct data collection tools or instruments for the choice of Research Method/s you have chosen. 4. Sample/Participants – Number of participants taking part in your study (questionnaire sample size 30+ if from a general population) – Place and time of data collection – Time duration for gathering your primary data. For example, if you are interviewing or if participants are required to complete a questionnaire, how long will it take? – Attach to the appendices the Questionnaire and/or Interview Questions you have formulated to gather data for your research.
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