Chestro’s Chocolates Critical Incident Research Proposal

My topic is “Critical Issues in Accounting (Accounting system) My assessment is to research and write a literature review on a critical issue in Chestro Chocolate Ltd. in Accounting. And the subtopic is Accounting system I have highlighted all the requirements for this assessment. I need minimum 10 APA references Details about Chestro Chocolate Ltd, Assessment format, and Assessment topics are attached to this. Literature Review (1,500 words) – should include a minimum of 8 references. 1. Use your Objectives/Scope as subheadings. 2. All information in this section must be referenced. 3. All references should come from English language sites only. ? Research Methodology and Methods (1 Page)– identify: 1. Methodology – outline whether your research is Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed Methods. Provide justification for your choice, that is why was this specific methodology chosen? 2. Methods – identify the right research method/s that you will use appropriate to the Methodology you have chosen. 3. Research Tools/Instruments – identify the correct data collection tools or instruments for the choice of Research Method/s you have chosen. 4. Sample/Participants – Number of participants taking part in your study (questionnaire sample size 30+ if from a general population) – Place and time of data collection – Time duration for gathering your primary data. For example, if you are interviewing or if participants are required to complete a questionnaire, how long will it take? – Attach to the appendices the Questionnaire and/or Interview Questions you have formulated to gather data for your research.

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