Choose at least TWO examples from the art of two different eras which have been covered in class.

Title of Assignment (500 to 800 words): Choose at least TWO examples from the art of two different eras which have been covered in class. For each of the art works you need to describe some aesthetic characteristics and provide some historical context. Finally you need to show how each art work/style from the past has served as inspiration for a modern or contemporary artist. topics covered in the art journal are: famous painters (leonardo, giorgione, hieronymous, guercino) hieroggraphs such as blombos cave, clay and stone figures, middle east, babylonia, vellum, jerusalem, ancient egypt, ancient greece, early hellladic age, minoan age, mycenaean art, dark age, hellenistic period, etruscans, late antiquity and early christianity, byzantine art (early, middle and late), medieval art, tapestry, Charles Le brun, late medieval Italy, simone martini, giotto, marco polo. The journal finishes with this: What was happening? 1415 Battle of Agincourt 1434 Cosmo di Medici rules Florence 1445 Guttenberg prints first book in Europe 1453 Fall of Constantinople – Turks and Byzantine Empire 1492 Arabs and Jews expelled from Spain 1492 Columbus lands in the West Indies 1498 Vasco Da Gama sails to India

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