Coaching Children & Young People 66-6817-00S

Appraise and critically analyse a participant model of your choice in relation to developing 13-16 year olds engaged in
sport and / or physical activity in Hong Kong.
– Identify a prominent youth talent development model
– Evaluate the model, use examples, in relation to HK
– Discuss the validity and application of the model to Participation / Performance between 13-16 years
Introduction 10%
– Importance of modelling in sport
– Rationale for choice of the model
Model in Context 20%
– Discuss the development of the model
– Describe the model with relation to 13-16 years-old’s young people in HK
Model Critique 30%
– Strength of the model
– Weakness of the model
– Discussion of the validity of the model for 13-16 years-old’s youth
Conclusion 10%
– Summary of the validity of the model
– Recommendation: how the model could be enhanced for 13-16

Literature & Example 20% – Use of Wide and Evaluative Literature and Examples
Presentation & Referencing 10% – (APA) Harvard Referencing system
– Reference list
– Appropriate writing style

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