communication difficulties and cultural differences

Assignment Description: Group assignment 1. Assignment Description: Group assignment Information about Group assignment Group assignment (2000 words +/-10%) What is the topic for your group assignment? •With reference to this subject’s lecture topics, select a contemporary international business issue and consider its impact on Australia. This assessment task involves group work. The group assessment task is designed to help students develop their critical thinking, research and writing skills, and should reflect the principles and practices in relation to international business. The group assessment task requires students to select a contemporary international business issue (with reference to this subject’s lecture topics) and consider its impact on Australia. For example, the topic could be related to globalisation, cultural environment, global CSR, emerging markets and international strategy. Students are required to form their own groups of four. The group then selects one topic as a potential issue and discuss its impact on Australia. The group will apply the theoretical knowledge they are developing to discuss the potential issue. Students should support their contentions with evidence from the relevant academic literature on international business. Your team must use a variety of sources to build a compelling analysis. A minimum of six academic, peer-reviewed journal (such as those listed in pages 7 and 8) articles (published after 2011) must be referenced in the group report. Avoid using sites such as Wikipedia or QuickMBA… because their reliability is questionable. All members of the group are required to participate equally in the research. Please reference any material you use and ensure you acknowledge the source of your articles by referencing, using the Academy of Management (AOM) reference style. The La Trobe University online journals site (see: ) is a useful source for finding articles. The University takes a very serious view with regard to plagiarism, and you are strongly advised to read the University’s policies on academic integrity at the following website: Please be reminded that plagiarism is a form of serious academic misconduct and will be penalised accordingly. Turnitin is used to aid students in identifying possible incidences of plagiarism that require to be further paraphrased in written assignments. See: Assignments are due by 5pm on the due date. Assignments submitted after this time will attract a penalty per calendar day. Extensions will only be given in documented cases of serious illness or emergency. Such requests must be accompanied by documentation (i.e., doctor’s certificate) and be submitted online at: Students have three working days after the date of assessment to submit an application for special consideration otherwise the application will be declined. i choose to do part 2 which is about discussing miscommunication values ethics laws rules and regulations 500 words

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