Comparative Analysis Describe and compare the economies of the UAE and Norway

Describe and compare the economies of the UAE and Norway, full details, guideline variables, provided in the attached file, The objective of the assignment is to contribute to the learning outcomes for this subject by providing practice in (a) researching the economic characteristics of two economies,and selecting a number of variables (indicators) which best describe their similarities and differences (b) obtaining 10 years of WDI data describing those characteristics, interpreting and presenting them clearly and simply as a ‘picture’ of a real economy (c) researching critical background, you can use Zawya and Eurostat, CIA, etc.,on the two economies in order to explain their current economic situation and suggest their likely future states (d) using this material to illustrate the factors at work in the two economies, focusing on the differences and similarities between them ,and what this may suggest in terms of their respective business and investment environments. Marking criteria The assignment will be broadly marked against its content (55%), analysis and explanation (30%) and presentation (15%). The components contributing to each of these are as follows: A. Con tent: I. Briefly describe the two economies in broad terms this serves as part of the introduction to the assignment and as a basis for motivating your choice of variables. 2. Variables: identify and justify relevant variables – i.e. use relevant theory to justify your choice of variables. Hint: you might start from the macroeconomic identity: Y=C+I+G+(X-M); other models will become apparent as the course progresses. 3. Data: researching and collating appropriate and comparable ten- year data (The WDI databank should be used as the primary database for your assignment, this should be supported by data from other sites (e.g. Eurostat, Zawya, National Bureau of Statistics) to address any gaps in the data. Up-to-date data is necessary to gain a good grade) 4. Explanation: researching qualitative/analytical explanatory material (e.g. EIU country analyses, IMF reports, etc.) to explain the data presented in section A2. B. Analysis I. Explaining: giving reasons why economic variables have values you found. 2. Linking: relating variables to broader indicators such as the standard of living, economic growth prospects, etc. (data analysis). 3. Difference: comparing data and explanations for two economies, and drawing conclusions as to any reasons for observed differences (comparative analysis). 4. Future: using data and explanations to suggest likely future development paths (trend analysis). C. Presentation I. Data: presenting data in simple, clear, comparable and relevant terms using appropriate graphical means where possible. 2. Comparison: combining data and commentary into single, clear and coherent comparison. Note: only include key graphs and tables in the report itself – delegate related supporting material to an appendix 3. Writing: quality of written expression. 4. Citation: adequacy and correctness of citation of sources. Note: this assumes that all citations are appropriately provided, and relates to the quality of the citations. N.B. Failure to appropriately cite quantitative or qualitative material may lead to a separate penalty mark.

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