Comparative Analysis on Self-Care in Child and Youth Care

Assignment #1 – Understanding Self-Care: A Comparative Analysis The purpose of this assignment is to provide each student the opportunity to demonstrate their learning based on the six course readings assigned in Lessons 2, 3, and 4 and to describe how this learning will inform/change their practice. The objectives of this assignment include: • demonstrating awareness of the influence of personal and professional history and experiences during interactions with clients; • demonstrating awareness of the differential effects that client crises have on workers in the helping professions • demonstrating understanding of self care as an ethical imperative in CYC practice; and, • demonstrating understanding of the concepts of secondary trauma; vicarious trauma; burnout; and radical self-care and the factors contributing to them Using comparative analysis, students will compare and contrast the major arguments proposed by the authors of the following 6 assigned course readings from Lessons 2 – 4 of this course (Perry, 2014; Barford, & Whelton, 2010; Showalter, 2010; Vachon, 2010; Knight, 2013; and Khan, 2014). Please note: all 6 articles must be included in this assignment or marks will be affected significantly. This assignment is not a summary of the articles. Rather, students will demonstrate their learning from reading these articles by identifying, describing, and discussing the major points made by the authors and comparing/contrasting their (ideas and arguments) in the Comparative Analysis section of their paper. The paper will then conclude with a summary of new findings/learning and how you will implement a trauma-informed approach to your practice as a CYC. As such, this assignment should include the following sections: 1) Introduction; 2) Comparative Analysis; 3) Conclusion (summarize your findings/new learning and explain how you will incorporate a trauma-informed approach to practice based on what you’ve learned in the readings). This paper should be written in APA style and must not exceed 10 double-spaced pages excluding attachments, title page and reference page. All assigned readings from Lessons 2 – 4 should be cited throughout this paper using APA format. Students may also draw from (and cite) child and youth care literature to support their discussion. Page length: 10 pages maximum (excluding references), double-spaced References: All assigned readings from Lesson 2, 3, and 4 Due Date: Wednesday October 4 References: 1) Barford, S., & Whelton, W. (2010) Understanding Burnout in Child and Youth Care Workers. Child and Youth Care Forum, 39, 271-287. 2) Showalter, S. (2010). Compassion fatigue: What is it? Why does it matter? Recognizing the symptoms, acknowledging the impact, developing the tools to prevent compassion fatigue, and strengthen the professional already suffering from the effects. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 27(4), 239-242. 3) Vachon, W. (2010). Honouring the wounded: Inviting in our successes and mistakes. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice. 23 (2), p. 54-62. 4) Knight, C. (2013). Indirect trauma: Implications for self-care, supervision, the organization, and the academic institution. The Clinical Supervisor, 32(2), 224-243 5) Perry, B. (2014). The cost of caring: Secondary traumatic stress and the impact of working with high-risk children and families. Child Trauma Academy, 1-18. 6) Khan, F. (2014). Caring for yourself is a radical act: Self-care guide for youth working community. Artreach.

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