Conflict Management Plan 10-12 slde powerpoint with speaker notes

Chapter 8 – Conflict Management Skills Speaker notes are REQUIRED for this assignment. Create a plan to manage conflict in professional life that addresses the following: Introduction Slide In professional life, how does conflict occur? What are the common characteristics of workplace conflict? Summarize conflict management styles. Discuss how each style applies to different conflict scenarios. Discuss conflict management skills. How do you plan to develop your conflict management skills set? Discuss how your score for each dimension of the “What’s My Preferred Conflict Handling Style?” assessment reflects your own conflict-handling style. In professional life, how can you plan for appropriate conflict resolution?Write a plan for identifying, handling, and resolving conflict. Conclusion Slide References Present your plan in the form of a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. Submit the assignment to the Assignment FIles tab. NOTE: Please remember to cite all intellectual property (quotes and graphics) and provide a reference page for same. Please include Speaker Notes in this presentation and remember to cite pictures and intellectual property. Speaker notes are defined as details that help define the contents of the slide. Remember that slides proper should contain bullet points and the content of the presentation should be in the speaker notes

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