Coursework Unit IV

Your four-person crew needs to move 100 bags of concrete from one side of the construction site to the other. The bags are on a pallet, but there is not enough room for a forklift where the bags are to be placed. Discuss some ways that the bags could be safely moved without a forklift and not cause back strains or other injuries. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. In your safety inspection of the worksite, you notice in the carpenter shop that the radial saw’s guard has been removed. The shop foreman states that the guard is preventing him from cutting lumber for a special project that must be completed before the end of the week. The foreman assures you that only a qualified operator will use the saw without the guard, and the saw will be locked out when not in use so that no one else can operate it. As the safety manager, can you support this action and condition? Why, or why not? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. Describe the differences between flash point, fire point, and auto-ignition temperature. Which are more stable, combustible liquids or flammable liquids? Why? Your response must be at least 200 words in length

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