critical issuse analysis on shcool shooter policy

an analysis of a critical issue in Law Enforcement today that specifically relates to the field of Homicide Investigation. the paper should be 7-10 pages, not including the title page and the bibliography. Students will follow APA Format which is the accepted style in the Social Sciences. It should be typed, double-spaced, on 8.5” by 11” paper, in 12-point font, with 1” margins, and stapled. The critical issues analysis paper is not a book report or a book review. It is intended to have you show that you can apply what you’ve learned in this course to research on a particular critical issue in the Field of Homicide Investigation. It must apply concepts and material from this course to themes, findings, or conclusions of the book. In your paper, you should try to concentrate on and develop a few themes; don’t spread yourself too thin and try to cover too much material from either the course or the book you are analyzing. Along with citing course readings or lectures in your essay, you must also cite at least five other academic or scholarly journals or books relevant to your topic. Use the various computerized literature searches available at the Library or on-line to help you find relevant articles. If you aren’t sure of the difference between an academic work and a popular work, please ask for clarification. the topic will be school shooters 3 policies that have been put in place to make schools safe. and one policy you make up and how you would apply it and how it would work

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