Critical review of a current debate in marketing and brand management

Critical review of a current debate in marketing and brand management (1,500 words) ? Select a current debate in marketing and brand management (one has to be digital marketing) ? Search the Internet to identify a relevant professional articles (3) about the current debate you selected. ? To complete the critical review, compose an essay of approximately 1,500 words that includes the following: ? An introduction paragraph identifying the current debate you selected and why it interests you. ? A paragraph critically reviewing the article you identified. ? An explanation of what side, if any, you take in the debate, incorporating learning from the module. If you did not take a side, explain why. Discuss trends, share your perspective and support it with the theories. Reflect on how these can PRADA brand – luxury and exclusive brand whose customers are famous people. business people, fashionistas but also looking to target younger customers. HARVARD REFERENCING STYLE

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