Critically explore a socio-cultural theme or theory relating to the consumption of tourism

Critically explore a socio-cultural theme or theory relating to the consumption of tourism and apply it to a specific destination, population or touristic behaviour. Guidance: In this assignment you need to deliver an individual presentation which employs a visual aid of your own creation (No PowerPoint or Prezzi as mentioned below) . The major part of the assessment is to provide a visual illustration of culture by one selected theme. For example, you may choose an indigenous population, a specific destination, a type of tourist behaviour or type of tourism. This assignment seeks to place the social dimension of tourism into a specific cultural setting. The work will draw parallels between a theoretical topic and an applied example to illustrate the case, therefore the application of appropriate tourism and social theory should underpin the assessment. It is important to note that the visual representation may assume different forms. Also note that both text and images can be used but images should be at the heart of your work. Do NOT submit a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. You could adopt any one of the following techniques to fully illustrate the case: • A website with appropriate use of images • A poster or ‘storyboard’ display depicting selected images • A leaflet or brochure • A three-dimensional visual aid. • Utilisation of photographs / postcards etc. • A video.

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