Cultural diversity and multiculturalism in Australia

MUST use the template file. The body must contain 1500 words, plus or minus 10%, so the words in the cover sheet and references list are additional. MUST have a clear title for the report. MUST include an executive summary or abstract, which MUST follow the four points listed in the template file. MUST include an introduction that covers at least five of the seven points listed in the template file. MUST provide a correct Harvard-style in-text citation and a corresponding reference list entry for EVERY piece of information gathered from other sources. MUST paraphrase all of your researched and paraphrased information. Quoting can only be done if it follows the rules of Harvard exactly. MUST include a careful, correct Harvard style reference list with a minimum of eight academically suitable sources of information. MUST include a suitable set of section and sub-section headings, carefully worded so that they help ‘tell the story’ in the table of contents. MUST include a conclusion. The conclusion restates the aim of the report, and includes a brief summary of the main points. References list MUST follow the UniSA Harvard guide. Do not use any referencing apps or on-line referencing systems. price around $50~$100

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