define anthropological terms.

Submitting a text entry box Available until Apr 12 at 11:59pm
Due: Sunday, April 11, 2021 (It is the last Sunday of Spring Break.)
Points: 2•
• Points-rubric; 1 point for the following: ME Draft #1 Introduction paragraph, ME Draft #2 Methodology paragraph. and
the new draft Literature Review paragraph. 1 point for the draft list of a minimum of three published sources after the
paragraphs under a subhead called “Resources.”
Your next mini-ethnography assignment, ME Draft #3, consists of a paragraph about your topic and a list of at least three
(3) published sources you cited in the paragraph, with one (1) of them from a peer-reviewed journal or a scientific source.
You can also cite the textbook for this class. I recommend citing the textbook to define anthropological terms. In other
words, ME Draft #3 the following:
1. The paragraph you turned in for “ME Draft #1” (with edits or changes if you made them).
2. The paragraph you turned in for “ME Draft #2” (with edits or changes if you made them).
3. A Literature Review (or “Background”) paragraph where you describe the cultural phenomenon you are researching and
defining at least three key terms from this class or terms specific to the culture or subculture that you are documenting
that an outsider would not know.
For example, a person doing an observation of a Filipina’s debut can define the following cultural terms that describe
this kind of ritual such as “ritual,” “rite of passage,” “ethnic boundary marker,” and/or “gender ideology” (cultural
anthropology focal vocabulary). The person can also in this paragraph define culturally-specific terms that an outsider
may not know like “debut” (what the word itself means).
o Each definition or mention of information, you found in a published source must be cited using an in-text citation at
the end of the sentence. Review this webpage for instructions on how to create the Chicago Manual of Style
C Search or type URL
(author-date) (CMS) format for In-line citations.
Each term with an in-text citation must be listed in a “Works Cited” or “Resources” section (see #4 below).
You must cite a minimum Of three (3) published sources, one (1) of them must be from a peer-reviewed journal or
an accurate scientific source. You can also cite the textbook for this Class. I recommend Citing the textbook to
define anthropological terms.You can get free access to peer-reviewed journals and scientific articles using your
MyCanyons ID at the College of the Canyons Library
Review this Canvas Page to help you identify accurate scientific sources: ELuytQ-idenfifyapee1.:Leyieugd-ssienXiffc
4. A “Works Cited” or “Resources” section that contains a list of at least three published sources where you found
information about your topic as reference listings in Chicago Manual of Style (author-date) (CMS) format.
o Review this webpage for instructions on how to create the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date) (CMS) format for
reference listings. You can also cite the textbook for this class. I recommend citing the textbook to define
anthropological terms. Link:
o You can get free access to peer-reviewed journals and scientific articles using your MyCanyons ID at the College
of the Canyons Library online: o Review this Canvas Page to help you identify accurate scientific sources: scientific
How to find scholarly and scientifically accurate sources
For your mini-ethnography. you only need a minimum of three (3) published sources. One (1) of those sources must be
from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal or an accurate scientific source. You can get free access to peer-reviewed journals
and scientific articles using your MyCany0ns ID at the College Of the Canyons Library. Use to the two links below to help
you find your published sources:
1. College of the Canyons Online Library Database online:
2. Canvas Page to help you identify accurate scientific sources:
Assignment Submissions
• ME Drafts #1-4 are submitted on Canvas via text submission (attached files will not be accepted).
h draft version of the paper is cumulative (it includes the draft(s) you submitted earlier in the semester) and is

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