Describe and analyze the marketing strategy and the e-commerce platform

Describe and analyze the marketing strategy and the e-commerce platform of the Red Bull company 1. Content suggestions: Describe the Marketing Mix. You can find an explanation about the marketing mix here Describe the company’s marketing communications strategy. You can find an explanation about the marketing communications strategy Promotion(1).pdf and here IMPORTANT: THESE INFORMATION CONSIDERATIONS ARE JUST GUIDELINES, YOU CAN INCLUDE DIFFERENT INFORMATION IN YOUR PAPER. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGED TO USE THE CLASSIFICATION OF BUSINESS MODELS I PRESENTED. 2.Style of the paper: Include a title page. Include a table of contents. Include an Executive Summary. Include page numbers. Please use clear references for every work you used to write your paper. These references should also be in a bibliography at the end of your paper. You can use the APA or MLA style for references The paper should be 5-10 pages not including the title page, table of contents, and bibliography. ****My part is only do the product from 4P’s?price place promotion product? for one page.*********** I will update a document for assignment 1, because this assignment is a follow-up paper. if you did well i think i will hire you about my next follow essay for this topic. ( )

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