Your task is to design and build a bespoke website for an organisation/product/service which has real-world relevancy to your degree this organisation will be known as your case study. You may choose either an hypothetical case study (for example, for a business opportunity which you would like to develop in the future) or an actual case study (for example, somewhere you work, but you must agree this with your tutor and also with the organisation). When you are designing your website, you will need to acknowledge the relevant areas of marketing which have been discussed in the first Semester (for example the products/services/experiences on offer, price and availability, and philosophy) and enable the customer to search the site and make a booking. In order to do this, you will need to consider the website mix (the 7 Cs principles) which will be presented to you at the beginning of Semester 2: Context, Commerce, Connection, Communication, Content, Community and Customization. You should use the six workshops as indicated in the module outline above to work on your website design with your tutors. Full attendance at these workshops (6 x 2 = 12 hours) is crucial to assessment success. You should think carefully, and strategically, about your case study choice website design skills are highly marketable. You are recommended to choose something which will help you with your career development, for example the work you do could be used to develop a business idea for the future or provide support for a job application. You are also required to write a critical commentary justifying the design of your website, and explaining how you have used marketing principles in your design. Your commentary of 2000 words should appear on a separate web page within your website. Your website design is worth 60% of the marks and the supporting commentary is worth 40%, so you need to complete both effectively in order to achieve an appropriate mark. Website Submission Instructions You are required to submit this assessment via an individually designed website. The Module Leader will provide full submission instructions during the relevant assessment briefing session. Your website should be created and hosted via a free to build website platform. There are many free to build website platforms. Whilst the choice of online platform is yours, de (i.e. copy and paste) the following disclaimer clearly on your websites Contact page. Failure to clearly display this disclaimer on your website will result in an automatic fail award. WEBSITE DISCLAIMER: This entire website including all linked pages has been submitted as partial fulfilment for the degree of BA(Hons) in [INSERT NAME OF YOUR DEGREE PROGRAMME HERE] at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston, UK. Specifically, this website has been submitted to module code TL2008 as an assessed undergraduate project within the School of Management. This website is not related to any specific organisation/product/service but is meant to demonstrate an understanding of visitor economy marketing in a real-world environment. No intention is made to any specific organisation, product, service and/or person. Any similarity to real-world organisations, including branding, images, and/or product and services are purely coincidental. Copyright of images remains with the original copyright owner. Assessment Criteria (full details provided in the Assessment Briefing in Semester Two) In order to achieve higher grades, you should refer to the Generic Assessment Criteria for grade indicators in the areas of: – Knowledge / Understanding – Argument / Evaluation / Application – Research / Evidence / Interpretation – Presentation / Structure / Referencing And follow these recommendations: Your website should be professionally presented with particular attention paid to site navigation. You should make use of relevant and appropriate website templates included within the free-to-use online package. Your website should practically illustrate, rather than specifically define, the key concepts of the marketing mix (i.e. product, price, promotion, and place). The written commentary should critically analyse and justify your website and its design within the context of the marketing mix. Particularly, your website and written commentary should focus on the 7 Cs of website design as discussed in class.
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