Discuss the minor political parties in the United States and determine if any of them are politically viable.

Discuss the minor political parties in the United States and determine if any of them are politically viable. Learning Objectives: 6.1 Identify the primary functions of parties in democracies and distinguish the U.S. party system from those in European democracies. 6.2 Describe changes in American political parties and identify four realigning elections. 6.3 Evaluate the functions of parties as institutions, parties in government, and parties in the electorate. 6.5 Assess the effects of recent party reforms and the long-term prospects for the current party system Each essay is due during a test/exam week and will be on a government topic/issue assigned by the instructor. Each essay must be 300-600 words. That is one to two type written pages only, double spaced, font:Times NewRoman 12 or equivalent. The essay will be submitted to the instructor through established procedures. Each essay must follow this format: Your name Topic/Issue Introduction (1 paragraph) Analysis (2-4 paragraphs) Conclusion (1 paragraph) Cited Works Page or a Bibliograph

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