Discussion 1.2: Principles of Governance of IT Brief and Discussion Complete an executive summary of 250 to 500 words for Discussion 1.2. Reference the Learning Materials section of the page. Course website: https://learn.wsu.edu/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_185446_1&content_id=_2681298_1&mode=view Username: sylvester.jenkins Password: GO.educate.33 Also, respond to two other students posts on the following page in one to two paragraphs: https://learn.wsu.edu/webapps/discussionboard/do/forum?action=list_threads&course_id=_185446_1&nav=group_forum&group_id=_634809_1&conf_id=_274897_1&forum_id=_266845_1
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