Discussion & Assignment

Discussion – Surveys Background There are different random sampling techniques that are discussed this week. Please choose a scenario below: You have been asked to prepare a survey, collect data and present to your employer. Your topic is to find out which item is the most popular in your store. You have been asked to prepare a survey, collect data and present to your colleagues at the staff meeting. Your topic is on health care provided during an office visit. You have been asked to prepare a survey, collect data and present to your contractor. Your topic is on which software package is best for all basic computers or which graphics package is best for the company. Prompt These are just a few types of scenarios that can be used here for surveys. Choose a scenario and discuss the survey, what types of questions you would ask, its purpose, the survey audience and what sampling technique would be best/worst for this survey to provide the results needed to make future improvements. (200+ total words) and include at least two APA formatted citation/reference.

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