Do action movies cause people to eat more popcorn and candy during a movie?

Instructions given on syllabus This is a two part project. The first half of your research will be a naturalistic observation. You will be determining the baseline of behavior, or what the behavior looks like, or the amount of the behavior present under normal circumstances. The observer is unobtrusive, rather like the wallpaper. There is no interference with the behavior. You are to select a human behavior. ALL PROJECT IDEA MUST BE APPROVED BY YOU INSTRUCTOR. Discuss the problem surrounding this behavior. Select a behavior which you encounter each day. The greatest challenge is isolating or narrowing the behavior to a single event which you can define, count, and attempt to change or observe as changed in a different environment. Complete the Observation Project Form. Write a theory and hypothesis, explain the procedure you will use to determine if the theory and hypothesis are supported, give the result or the count, and finally, discuss your results or findings. Experiment Section 2: Experiment item options The second half of the project will be a type of experiment. By introducing a variable, you will attempt to increase or decrease a behavior. For example, one student in Iraq counted the number of men who failed to wash their hands after using the latrine next to the dining facility. This student’s count suggested a problem. During the behavior change section of the project, the student placed honey (the independent variable) on the handles of the doors. As a result, hand washing (the dependent variable) increased. Your project will require you to walk through the same steps again, but from the point of view of changing or improving the behavior. Begin with your own results. That is the statement of the problem. You have counted and found that, yes, this is an area of human behavior which should be improved. Complete the Observation Project Form. Again, APA documentation style must be used when citing references in context and references (if any). Your textbook may be your only reference. Keep in mind! You may not all be Psychology Majors but you will be dealing with people regardless of your major and chosen profession. Choose concepts that relate to your field of study. Nursing: placebo effect or pain, Marketing: persuasion or compulsion, Education: peer pressure or bullying.

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