Enter your answers in the spaces provided. Save the file using your last name as the beginning of the file name (e.g., ruf_week8_exercises) and submit via “Assignments.” When appropriate, show your work. You can do the work by hand, scan/take a digital picture, and attach that file with your work.

1. A researcher plans a study in which a crucial step is offering participants a food reward. It is important that the three food rewards be equal in appeal. Thus, a restudy was designed in which participants were asked which of the rewards they preferred. Of the 60 participants, 16 preferred cupcakes, 26 preferred candy bars, and 18 favored dried apricots. Do these scores suggest that the different foods are differentially preferred by people in general? (Use the .05 significance level.)
2. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing.
3. Sketch the distribution involved.
4. Explain your findings.

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