exegetical Paper New Testament Passage,Matthew 21: 33-46. 2000 words

employing methods of interpretation and perspectives: literary and historical context, literary form, structure). Exegesis means to expound upon a text, to unpack a text of its many meanings. Elements of various types of criticism will be employed to develop further one’s ability to interpret the Bible. Please respond to the following items as you exegete the assigned passage from the Bible: a. Context: What follows and precedes your passage? Is your passage affected by this context? b. What is the literary form of your passage? Are there other places in the Bible where this form is used which help to interpret this passage? c. Structure: Do you detect any particular structural pattern? (e.g. parallelism within your assigned book of the Bible). Describe the parts of your passage. d. Has your passage come through an editorial process? What changes have been made? Explain why certain changes have been made? e. f. g. Key words: What are the theologically important words in the passage? Do these words evoke any other parts of the Bible? Are these words used in a new way by the author of this passage? What do these words mean? What does this passage say about relationship with God? What questions might this passage have addressed in the community for which it was originally written? Document your exegesis carefully. (Some of the ideas above are adopted from “A Guide to Biblical Exegesis” by G. Landes and W. Wink, unpublished) Please keep the above section divisions as part of your paper as subheadings. Your bibliography should include at least two text books. The paper should be typed, Times New Roman 12 points, double spaced and in proper APA or Turabian or MLA format.

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