Grant Proposal (Topic: Ask for funding to Build a Mobile Application for parking app) + Infographic

TOPIC: Ask funding to Build a Mobile Application for parking app (So the app will help the user to find a parking spot just my entering his location (which can be tracked using Google Maps API). This app will help the user to find a parking spot and will actually save his time instead of just looking for the spot in the surrounding) Grant Proposal Requirements: In a four-page single-spaced minimum document, clearly and compellingly make your case to obtain grant for a project. Guidelines: • Think about your audience – who will you be “pitching” this project to? What will they want to know in order to decide to fund your project? • Include the following sections:* 1) Abstract ( 1 – 2 paragraphs) 2) Background/Introduction/Statement of Need (2 paragraphs minimum) 3) Significant Impact (1 paragraph) 4) Innovation (1 paragraph) 5) Approach(1/2 – 1 page page) 6) References 7) Budget (1 page or so – a table with a description) + 1 page Infographic containing 3-5 data sets of the same topic as the grant proposal

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