HNC Diploma Construction and the Built Environment

Hi Writer, I have do Assignment, but I will need you to do some correction on this Assignment as my lecturer required it to be done, at the end of each tax you will see my lecturer comment highlighted in colour. the main question you have to do Task 3 {4.3} a. Evaluate the likely usefulness and effectiveness of two examples of quality improvement methods that could be used by Fairford. b. Evaluate the likely usefulness and effectiveness of two examples of industry standards that could be used by Fairford. Task 4 {5.1} Explain three examples of current trends in the sector that would affect the type of work that Fairford is attempting to obtain. Task 5 {5.2} Develop five key performance indicators and explain how they can be used and contribute to Fairford, showing how it can work to industry ‘best practice. the rest you will see the comment at the end of each task. CAN I GET IT TODAY OR tomorrow 3:30 AM UK time?

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