n this application, develop a well-crafted essay, of at least 500 words, that uses Horkheimer and Adorno’s culture industry and/or Poster’s mode of information in postmodern culture to explain and take a position on the use of a critical discourse for a commercial purposes. Is it selling out? It the discourse being co-opted? It is ironic? Develop your own example or examples to illustrate and support your point. The issue in this application is to explain (to theorize) what you believe occurs when someone sells out or when a critical discourse becomes a commercial success, specifically, is there authenticity in our culture (Horkheimer & Adorno). Put differently, is the map (the representation) the guide to our territory (the real). Does the representation precede the real? (Baudrillard). If there is no authenticity, no reference to the real, can there be critical discourses? In this application, use at least one authoritative source to support your analysis. The source may be academic or popular. Include bibliographic information in your essay and in a works cited section.
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