human lifespan and include the effects of a disability that may occur during this time.

I want the paper to be about multiple sclerosis in young adults. Below are instructions: Each student is required to complete a research paper on an aspect of the human lifespan and include the effects of a disability that may occur during this time. You will select only one time period i.e. infancy, early childhood, adolescents etc. Papers will include a title page, three – five content pages and a reference page. Sub topics will include the developmental stages of the lifespan you have chosen and will also look at disability they may occur during this time period. You also include your role and functions of the counselor, ethical considerations, and best practices. Note: All papers are to be in APA format and include a title page and reference page. Please review grading rubric before starting your paper. Grading Rubric Grading Criteria 1 Addresses the aspects of the lifespan and include the effects of disability that may occur during the time. Grading Criteria 2 Covered the developmental stages of the lifespan the student chose and covered disability that may occur during this time period. Grading Criteria 3 Addressed the roles and functions of the counselor. Criteria 4 Addressed ethical considerations and best practices. Criteria 5 Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation. Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow. Introduction and conclusion in your paper provided. Provided a title page and reference page.

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