Topic 1: Information Systems Development One page Details: Think about systems you currently utilized or have utilized in the past that were deployed to the enterprise, Discuss the similarities or opportunities for improvement based on this weeks readings (Project Portfolio Management and Agile Project Management). What approach do you think may be the most effective and why Deadline:9 PM USE ,3/15/18 ******************************************************** Topic 2 : IT Projects and Business Strategy One page Details: Discussion Points: Why is it critically important to align IT projects with the business strategy? What would be your plan to align future IT projects with business strategy? Deadline: 9 PM USE , 3/15/18 ************************************************** Topic 3: Information Security Policy One page Details: Discuss some of the common issues with implementation of security policy. Discuss in your answer common issues and possible mitigations to ensure policy can be enforced. Deadline: 9 PM USE , 3/21/18 Topic 4:will be informed to the writer on 3/19/18 One page Details: will be informed to the writer on 3/19/18 Deadline: 9 PM USE , 3/21/18 Topic 5:will be informed to the writer on 3/26/18 One page Details: will be informed to the writer on 3/26/18 Deadline: 9 PM USE , 3/28/18 ************************************************** Topic 6:will be informed to the writer on 4/2/18 One page Details: will be informed to the writer on 4/2/18 Deadline: 9 PM USE , 4/4/18 ************************************************** Topic 7:will be informed to the writer on 4/9/18 One page Details: will be informed to the writer on 4/9/18 Deadline: 9 PM USE , 4/11/18 ************************************************** Topic 8:will be informed to the writer on 4/16/18 One page Details: will be informed to the writer on 4/16/18 Deadline: 9 PM USE , 4/18/18 ************************************************** Topic 9:will be informed to the writer on 4/23/18 One page Details: will be informed to the writer on 4/23/18 Deadline: 9 PM USE , 4/25/18 Topic 10: Compare and Contrast various Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning models. One page Deadline: 5 PM USE , 3/18/18 ******************************************************** Research Proposal: Details: select and submit your topic for approval which includes a one-page proposal that provides an overview of your topic and at least 4 of your references for approval. One page Deadline: for Research Proposal:3/17/18 ,9 PM USE Final project: Details: The research paper should be a minimum of 10 pages and not to exceed 15 pages (including Cover Sheet and References page). The research paper should demonstrate your grasp of the concepts covered in the course. The topic can apply to a project management issue of particular interest to you or your work place. Find at least 6 references. Deadline:4/20/18 Submission Instructions: For all papers submitted to this class, APA (6th edition) format is required. The cornerstone of academic writing is “compare and contrast” which is what you will be doing when you discuss how your selected article applies to the concepts studied in the course. The use of subheadings and table of contents is encouraged as this helps to organize your paper. ******************************************************** note :see attachment
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