Informative Speech on Roman Art

See Attached Pictures. You must write about that. Please answer each points below: Topic: General Purpose: To Inform: Specific Purpose: (complete sentence) Central Idea: (complete sentence) I. Introduction: A. Attention Getter B. Preview of Main Points C. Creditability D. Benefits II Body: A. Main Point: (complete sentence) 1. Sub-point: keywords 2. Sub-point: keywords Transition Sentence: (complete sentence) B. Main Point: (complete sentence) 1. Sub-point: keywords 2. Sub-point: keywords 3. Sub-point: Transition Sentence: (complete sentence) C. Main Point: (complete sentence) 1. Sub-point: keywords 2. Sub-point: keywords III. Conclusion A. Summary of Main Points B. Power Punch Ending that will make the speech memorable. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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