Instructions for the Final Examination in CHST540

Note: Please see the final module in Course Content (in D2L) for further information about the Final Examination.
Missed Exam Procedure:
If you are missing or have missed the final exam you must do the following:
NOTIFY your instructor by email prior to the exam and copy Distance Education [email protected] on this and all correspondence.
Undergraduate program students (UGRD) are now required to submit a Ryerson Student Health Certificate to their respective program departments. The program
departments are then required to email the appropriate CECL(s) to inform them that the documentation has been received. Chang School students not enrolled in
undergraduate programs (CNED) must submit their Ryerson Student Health Certificate to the Chang School staff at the front desk at 297 Victoria Street. CECLs will
be notified of the receipt of the documentation submitted at The Chang School via [email protected]. Students must still notify CECLs via email within three days
of the missed test/exam that they did not write the test/exam.
When you miss a final exam, the onus is on you to be available to write during a make-up session on a date close to the final exam date. This date is assigned by
Distance Education/Course Instructor. Please note that as per Ryerson’s policy, students are allowed to postpone their exam for the following reasons only:
Medical · Religious Observance · Compassionate Grounds (if there is a death in the immediate family)
Note: Work related commitments, family engagements, travel plans, wedding plans, vacations, etc., are NOT accepted as valid reasons to reschedule
a final exam.
Final Examination Format:
It is worth 30% of your final grade.
This an open-book take-home exam.
The exam will consist of two sections.
The first section will consist of one essay-type question which you will answer. This part of the exam is worth 60 marks.
The second section of the exam will consist of two essay-type questions. You are only to choose and answer one of these questions. This part of the exam is
worth 40 marks.
The exam will ask you to apply the course content to the questions. Any use of material/content outside of the course will result in an automatic ZERO for this
Essay-type Questions:
The exam questions are based on the online course modules AND the required readings (i.e., textbook and articles). You will need to reference the course content in support of the
claims that you make in your answers (i.e., provide footnotes or endnotes).
Writing a good answer to an essay-style question on the exam is much like writing a good essay, except you must rely on your knowledge of the overall course
material rather than specific sources.
The essay questions will be about important themes in the course. The kind of questions on the exam will be similar in scope to the course’s essay questions and the
study questions.
Your essay should have a simple thesis statement laying out the arguments you will be making. You should also provide examples to support the arguments that you
are making.
You should devote one hour of the exam for each of the sections.
Note: For specific information about the format, a sample exam, and details about the types of questions, please consult Module 13.

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