Is Turing Pharmaceuticals exploiting the US health system – a case study on Martin Shkreli?

Is Turing Pharmaceuticals exploiting the US health system – a case study on Martin Shkreli? Summarize the main issues surrounding the scandal. How did Martin Shkreli – former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals – acted unethically by buying the rights to the formerly cheap drug named Daraprim and raising prices by about 55 times per pill? Critically assess the scandal from media and pricing stances. Evaluate Martin Shkreli’s stakeholder management and discuss the role social media played in this scandal. Make recommendations on how Martin Shkreli could have managed the situation not to become the ‘most hated man in America’. Throughout your report, your arguments should demonstrate a clear understanding of the relevant theory and its application to the relevant case you have chosen. Please make sure that your report includes EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; MAIN BODY and CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS:

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