Mamie Phipps Clark: A Prominent Influence in the Study of Psychology

Your research paper should focus on an individual who has had a significant influence in the history of psychology. The particular person/psychologist you choose is up to you, and I encourage you to pick a person who is of special interest to you. The substance (main text) of your paper should include at least the following information: • A solid introduction. • A full deption of the relevant biographical information on the person • Provide relevant historical information regarding the person so as to place her/his work into the proper historical/cultural context. • Describe the events of the day that influenced the person’s development as a psychologist • Describe the state of psychology in the time/place/culture/etc. in which the person functioned in the field. • Describe how the person may have also influenced the events of her/his day as well. • Give an overview of the person’s work in the field of psychology. • Summarize the above information. • Provide your interpretation as to how this person’s work has/may influenced psychology o In the past o In the present o In the future • Provide a brief section of how this psychologist has influenced your own growth in the profession. • Give a well crafted ending to your paper. Margins – All 1 inch Font 12 point and either Times Roman or CG Times. Page Numbering – In the upper right, starting with the introduction page. Double Spacing – except for the reference page – and/or abstract (if used). Abstract Page – Not Required Title/Cover Page – Required Includes Name of Paper Name of Student Name of Course, Section Number, and Semester Name of Professor (Dr. BP will suffice) Main Text – Required – Use the guidelines noted above References – Use APA style A minimum of 16 references are expected. All reference material should be acquired through your personal research. Acceptable references include, biographies/autobiographies, books or original research papers by historic researchers, primary source journal articles, review papers from scientific journals, historic textbooks, and papers written by historians and philosophers of science. To a modest degree you may use, but should limit the use of modern textbooks (including those from our course), websites (no more than five are allowed, encyclopedias, and popular press publications (newspapers or magazines). However, there may be some specific cases where websites or popular press references may be appropriate.

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