MBA MGT 6410 Assessment instrument 3



1 Introduction
2 Course Learning Outcomes
3 Program Learning Outcomes
4 QFEmirates Level 9
5 CoreLife Skills
6 Assessment
7 Recommended Reading


A Assessment Cover Sheet
B Assessment Discussion Form
C Assessment Feedback Form
D QFEmirates Descriptors


  1. Introduction

Welcome to Assessment (3) of the Strategy course, a part of your Master of Business Administration Program. The objective of this assignment is to develop a detailed research report on a case study, which should be relevant to the area of

  1. Course Learning Outcomes:

In this assessment, you should be able to:

CLO1: Critically appraise a detailed body of knowledge of recent developments in strategy and strategic management (P1, P3, P5, KN4, SK2, AR3, SD1)

CLO3: Critically apply advanced skills required in research, analysis, evaluation of complex ideas, information, concepts and/or activities related to strategy (P1, P2, P5, KN1, SK4, AR3, RC1).

CLO4: Synthesize advanced problem-solving skills to analyse highly complex issues with incomplete data and develop innovative solutions and proposals relevant to strategy and strategic management (P2, P5, P6, KN2, SK3, AR2, RC2, SD3)

  1. Program Learning Outcomes:

The Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) indicated above are mapped to your overall (MBA) Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). This assessment tests your achievement in the program with reference to the following PLOs:

PLO1: Critically evaluate opportunities in a variety of contexts using innovative approaches to create value for stakeholders and society.


PLO2: Demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values and social awareness.


PLO3: Experiment with multiple theories and functional perspectives for the interpretation of comprehensive challenges to the business environment


PLO5: Combine relevant theoretical advances with functional business skills to construct timely and informed decisions.


PLO6: Defend arguments using effective teamwork; value diverse perspectives and skills; and deploy a variety of roles to accomplish team goals.


  1. QFEmirates Level 9:

Please see Annex C for the detailed description.

  1. Knowledge – KN1, KN2, KN4
  2. Skill – SK2, SK3, SK4
  3. Autonomy and Responsibility – AR2, AR3
  4. Role in Context – RC1, RC2
  5. Self-Development – SD1, SD3



  1. CoreLife Skills

The assessment will test the acquisition by the student of Core Life Skill (CLS) indicated by the CAA within the teaching framework of the overall course. CLS acquired on this course are the following:

Information (CLS1)                          Collecting, analysing, organising and applying information in a given context.

Communication (CLS2)                  Communicating information, concepts, and ideas.


Problem Solving (CLS5)                   Solving problems including using mathematical ideas and techniques.

  1. Assessment

Assessment Requirement:

Develop a research report to generic strategies, competitive advantage, strategic orientations, international strategic decisions and business models related to AGTHIA GROUP (Al Ain Water), using research analysis skills and knowledge acquired in class, and submit a detailed research report of approx. 2,000 words (+/-250). Identify the most significant theories/concepts relevant to strategy choices and different types of business model and strategic analytical tools.


  • 1. Regarding the food and beverage industry, identify and analyse key success factors, valuable resources, and competitive advantages (RBV, VRIO, 5 forces, value chain) that lead the company to take an edge over competitors and critically assess how each valuable resource contributes to its performance (CLO 1 – 10 marks)
  • 2. Assuming that the company is seeking to invest in clean, innovative, vegan and protein water, extrapolate on what strategic moves (samples of strategic tools you can use: BCG, Value creation, Generic competitive strategies, offensive, defensive, business model, game theory, TWOS) the company should adopt to competitively reposition itself in the beverage industry. Justify your answer (CLO 3 – 5 marks) (CLO4 – 10 marks)
  • 3. Al Ain Water, like many other companies, is facing a significant future challenges to providing healthy drinking-water and to stay competitive. Propose detailed alternatives the company may implement at strategic level to address this issue. Critically assess and appraise those alternatives (CLO4 – 15 marks)


Requirements Requirement Marks
Descriptor Weight RR1 RR2 RR3 RR4 RR5 %
RR-D1 Introduction, Purpose 15% 6         6 6
RR-D2 Literature Review 20%   8       8 8
RR-D3 Analysis 30% 2 6 4     12 12
RR-D4 Conclusions and Recommendations 25%     10     10 10
RR-D5 Logic, Organization, and Writing 10% 2 1 1     4 4
Assessment Marks 100% 10 15 15 0 0 40



Submission Date: 30th June 2021 (23h59)

Word counts: 2,000 words (+/-250)



Your Terms of Reference:

This section outlines some of the key points to consider whilst reviewing and analysing the case study (Guide only):

A detailed report on critical evaluation of a variety levels of strategies such as corporate, business and operational and analysis of a wide range of business models using appropriate strategic tools.

You may structure your report in the following manner:

  • Introduction & purpose of the report that introduces all the questions.
  • Literature review that covers major (Question 1 and 3)
  • Analysis (all the questions)
  • Recommendations & Conclusions (all the questions)
  • Conclusion (all the questions)

A good report will tie-in learnings from the readings, relevant and credible academic or business readings, class learnings, and even your personal experience. A good quality work should be able to provide an effective report using relevant and credible and recent studies, data (wherever applicable) and course learnings. High quality reports are effective, logical, relevant to the discussion on hand and cognizant of the flow of arguments. Quality does not entail simple repetition of information, which is already known from the resources. Quality contributions are also exemplified by good writing skills where the author takes care to present and structure the responses logically, clearly, coherently, and as concisely as possible.


Assessment Rubric:


Assessment Marking Scheme:

Percentage Letter Code Points
93 – 100 A 4.00
88 – 92 A – 3.67
84 – 87 B + 3.33
80 – 83 B 3.00
77 – 79 B – 2.67
74 – 76 C + 2.33
72 – 73 C 2.00
70 – 71 C- 1.67
Less than 70 F 0.00


Assessment Format:

One (electronic) copy to be submitted. Please use a front (cover) sheet (Annex A) and include a blank assessment discussion form (Annex B). (State method: electric, paper, online submission portal)

Standard academic presentation is required, including:

  • Concise and appropriate language
  • Accurate referencing using (APA) style, containing all sources used for each piece of work.
  • Unless advised otherwise, all work should be handed in via the LMS.
  • Submitted work must be formatted to (Times New Roman) font, regular style, size (12), line spacing 1.5
  • Insert page numbers.


All assessments must include a front sheet with your name, degree, course, date, assessment number and title as well as a blank assessment discussion form.


  1. Recommended Reading (Guide)

Text Books:

Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. & Regnér, P. (2017). Exploring Strategy: text and cases. Eleventh Edition. Pearson.





Academic Journals:


Ashraf, S. R. B., Rashid, M. M., & Rashid, A. H. (2017). Implementation of 5S methodology in a food & beverage industry: A case study. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(3), 1791-1796.


Bayona-Saez, C., Cruz-Cázares, C., García-Marco, T., & García, M. S. (2017). Open innovation in the food and beverage industry. Management Decision.


Bresciani, S. (2017). Open, networked and dynamic innovation in the food and beverage industry. British Food Journal.


Chowdhury, M. T., Sarkar, A., Paul, S. K., & Moktadir, M. A. (2020). A case study on strategies to deal with the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in the food and beverage industry. Operations Management Research, 1-13.


Long, T. B., Looijen, A., & Blok, V. (2018). Critical success factors for the transition to business models for sustainability in the food and beverage industry in the Netherlands. Journal of cleaner production, 175, 82-95.


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