Men and women have different language styles based on gender.

Men and women have different language styles based on gender. *Brainstorm a list of workplace situations in which it would be advantageous to use a feminine language style. *Now think of workplace situations in which using a feminine language style would put you at a disadvantage. *Next, identify situations in which it would be advantageous or disadvantageous to use a masculine language style. *Finally, write down several ways you can become fluent in the style of the other gender. (If you develop this flexibility, you will be able to choose either style, depending on the situation.) Each answer must be at least one paragraph long and reflect chapter terminology and content/theory and adhere to the current APA style. (A paragraph is five to seven complete sentences long.) TEXTBOOK Adler, Elmhorst, and Kristen Lucas. Communica ng at Work: Strategies for Success in Business and the Professions (11 ed). New York City, NY: McGraw?Hill Educa on, 2013.

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