mentally ill Prisoners Be Subject To Disciplinary Punishment For Infractions Of The Behavioral Code

i need this paper to be five pages long and needs to receive no less than an A. Develop a five (5) page “White Paper” in which you identify a specific criminal justice policy that is being considered by your employer, describe the positive and negative aspects of the proposed policy, make a recommendation whether or not to adopt the policy, explain the reasons for your recommendation, and explore the implications of the policy idea when it is put into practice. Identify ten (10) sources you will use in your paper, provide citations for each of the sources 9-10 – Above average evidence of college-level scientific inquiry and/or critical analysis of the literature/issue; significant integration and analysis of ideas/results from sources to create, support, or argue the author’s ideas and/or perspectives. 7-8 – Average evidence of college-level scientific inquiry and/or critical analysis of the literature/issue; some integration and analysis of ideas/results from sources to create, support, or argue the author’s ideas and/or perspectives, including some material lacking analysis or integration clearly relevant to the topic. 5-6 – Poor evidence of college-level scientific inquiry and/or critical analysis of the literature/issue; minimal integration and analysis of ideas/results from sources to create, support, or argue the author’s ideas and/or perspectives, including frequent use of material lacking analysis or integration clearly relevant to the topic. 0-4 – Very poor evidence of college-level scientific inquiry and/or critical analysis of the literature/issue; negligible or no integration and analysis of ideas/results from sources to create, support, or argue the author’s ideas and/or perspectives. Most or all material lacks analysis or integration clearly relevant to the topic. there needs to be 10 sources in the paper, the more the better. everything needs to be cited and absolutely no plagiarism my dean will be reading this paper.

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