Minimum words: 1500). You will write an argumentative, documented research paper on a current, controversial topic using the classical pattern of argument and MLA format. You must have at least five sources for your paper, MLA heading and page numbers, and in text citations. Two of your sources must come from the Cannon Memorial Library.

Douthit, Sandra Faye. “Assistant Principal Details Tactics for Dealing with Bullies.” Newspaper Source Plus [EBSCO]. The Western News, 14 Mar. 2012. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.
“EDITORIAL: Dealing with Bullies.” Newspaper Source Plus [EBSCO]. Baker City Herald, 8 Feb. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.
Gill, Peter Edward, and Max Allan Stenlund. “Dealing with a Schoolyard Bully: A Case Study.” Journal of School Violence 4.4 (2005): 47-62. Newspaper Source Plus [EBSCO]. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.
Weston, Alonzo. “Dealing with Bullies.” Newspaper Source Plus [EBSCO]. St. Joseph News-Press, 18 Nov. 2012. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.
Womer, Sarah. “Middle School Has Plans for Dealing with Bullies.” Newspaper Source Plus [EBSCO]. The Sun, 28 Oct. 2013.

131) A 5 minute presentation on a topic of your choice. Must have a powerpoint visual aid of 1 title slide, 12 body slides, 1 sources slide. TOPIC IS PEARL HARBOR

132) Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Respond to two of your classmates, one who chose to pick three points that were different than the ones you chose and another classmate who shares similarities (one or more) in selection of the three ideas. Compare and contrast your thoughts behind you responses to those of your classmates. For instance if you had similarities but for different reason, talk about that. If you had differences because you didn’t even consider what your classmate considered, challenge your thinking by finding out the premise behind their reasoning. Finally, offer suggestions for improving cross-cultural communication skills.

The three points I choose to discuss are different communication styles, different approaches to knowing and different attitude towards Disclosure.
Different communication styles are used in different cultures. People have and speak different languages. Every language have a different meaning. Some people communicate using verbal and nonverbal communication. In my classroom with my ELL student I pay attention to their body language. If I look closely I could tell if they are bored or confused. In some cases my ELL student nod their head nod look at me and smile. In my culture I would considered that being rude. Based on their evaluation not being able to communicate properly it will be fine with me.
I am glad to know that they used their verbal communication to bring out their points but at times it sounds like they are shouting. I have come to realize that at times they speaking loud assist them in knowing their vocabulary. In social settings, I have gotten them to calm down by using signs or speaking to them in a soft tone. In some cases I would us shorter sentences that they will have no problem repeating. Also I will ensure my body expression is positive and not negative to them thus causing confusion and them getting the wrong ideas.
Different approaches to knowing:
Different cultures embraced the way they know things. ELL students are eager to know things but some are still bent in their culture. As a teacher I find myself doing and researching information to know things. For example, I am researching governments I used all the resources library, internet or other technology. At the same time I still venture out to find a government official that can give me more vital information. Ell students can be taught different things by exposing them to the resources available to help them. In my class I have find using pictures, TV and videos have helped them to identify and have a better understanding of things in lessons like science and social –studies.
In a social settings I would introduced them to knowing tings by getting them to identify and become familiar with their environment. On field trips they will see and observed things and begin to ask questions. They should be able to generate ideas and come to their own conclusion by just knowing and using their brain.
Different attitude to Disclosure
I have find that most of my ELL students were afraid to speak to me when they were first in my class. One day during introduction time some of them were shy and those who knew English spoke a little. One student said to me my mum said do not say too much. At first it was challenging but I manage to get over the situation. I spoke to the parent they were at first reluctant to share information. Once I engage in conversation they open up more and believe it assisted me in dealing with the child more. Most ELL student feel a sense of fear or they will be laugh at if they disclose certain information.
In my classroom I welcome the idea of speaking and not being ridicule by any student. This helps them and as a teacher disclosure of information leads you to create lessons that will help the child. I never jump to conclusions but sit and analyze the information and create resources that makes it better. In social settings I try to emphasis do not speak to anyone but someone that can relate to you. If a conflict arises find people that will guide you through the conflict.
If we adhere and study these different approaches we will enhance our Ell student learning capabilities and they will reach their potentials.
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133) Provide 3 examples of how you would measure growth in the sports marketing industry. What evidence do you have that the number of people participating in sports is growing? Use the Internet to find census data for how this might change 10 years from now. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

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