We are focusing on making an organic pet food. My brand name is called Noah’s Ark. The organic brand dog food is called Noah’s Ark Premium Plus. It is all natural and organic product I am promoting to the Beverly Hills Location in LA. I included a SWOT chart and module transcript to give you an idea. The PP will be on the marketing channel Analysis. Using the product you chose for your discussion, analyze in detail how the product is sold through different channels. Although all products may not sell through all channels, ensure that you consider in-store, direct mail, email, social media, word of mouth, and online marketing channels for the product. Using the Marketing Channel Analysis PowerPoint Template provided for this assignment, create a short presentation that demonstrates the use of these channels for this product by the company. Your first slide should describe the companys marketing strategy. You should have one slide for each marketing channel discussed. A minimum of three channels should be discussed. For additional details, please refer to the Marketing Channel Analysis PowerPoint Template and the Marketing Channel Analysis Presentation Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
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