NURS xxx Health Care Organizations Business Plan Group Project

Community Health Needs Assessment | 2015 Committee Priorities 1. Education/Awareness The committee would like to see increased educational outreach efforts to churches, educational institutions, or other community providers such as the Methodist Healthcare Ministries nurse, county nurse, school nurses, and physician offices. The group felt this went hand-in-hand with increasing awareness of such activities through social media and online presence. 2. Wellness The committee felt increased education on health issues that predominately affect our community such as smoking cessation, diabetes, obesity, and more, was very important. They recommended possibly offering incentive programs to local businesses or groups. 3. Social Services The committee voiced they would like to see a stronger network for help identify resources available to our community for financial assistance, mental health services, and other issues for which it may be difficult for the general public to find information. 4. Specialty Services The committee thought it was important to increase local access to specialty services such as: urology, dermatology, oncology, geriatrics, pediatrics, and mental health. 5. Decrease Transfers The committee would like to see an effort made to decrease transfers that the group feels are “unnecessary “ due to the services being provided locally. The committee also felt that increasing specialty services would in-turn decrease transfers. “17 Community Health Needs Assessment | 2015 Uvalde Memorial Hospital Action Plan The Hospital board, administration, and staff will use the results of the CHNA in strategic planning on a long-term, continuing basis. Based on the committees priorities and available resources, the hospital has identified the following action plan. Other community healthcare players can also play a lead role in influencing needs identified by the committee that the hospital can not. Action Plan for Committee Priorities Identified (page 17) 1. Education/Awareness Extend current formalized communication methods beyond Uvalde County to include current e-mail blasts, calendar of events, press releases, flyers, and more. Incorporate other areas of our service region into formalized policy for communication. Increase communication to Community Health Development, Inc. by postal mailings in addition to current e-mail outreach efforts. 2. Wellness The hospital will ensure that the annual educational calendar includes at least one public offering for each of the identified areas. Uvalde Memorial Hospital will also work with local employers to incentivize their staff to attend such courses. 3. Social Services UMH will work with local Chamber of Commerce to promote 211 Education within the community. The hospital will assist in identifying other key resources and encouraging those entities to register. 4. Specialty Services Uvalde Memorial Hospital will complete an assessment of current providers’ volumes and seek additional providers in deficit areas. The hospital will participate with Hill Country Memorial Hospital in their tele-psychology program. 5. Decrease Transfers The hospital will identify types of transfers taking place and policies regarding those transfers to affirm unnecessary transfers are not being made. UMH will work to continually educate members of the service area on such policies and answer related questions. ! “18 now it is listed here the needs first option is to be Wellness and second, option is to be Education/Awareness and please read attached and hurry and do an excellent job, please and i need to Present my Business Plan to class with: 1. business plan, 2. brochure, and 3. PowerPoint. due by 11/25/16 @ 2 pm

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