This week the Final Project is designed to give you an opportunity to analyze a quality improvement program. You will analyze data related to benchmarks and national standards and suggest two goals for initiatives that address any deficiencies/opportunities in quality. Anticipated outcomes will also be identified, and appropriate time frames to re-evaluate data and provide a new analysis will be addressed. To prepare: Read the case study Patient Safety at Grand River Hospital & St. Marys General Hospital in your Learning Resources. Conduct an analysis of the case and write a 10- to 12-page (excluding title page and references) report including: Data analysis against benchmarks and national standards Observations about where quality improvements are needed Goals for initiatives that address those deficiencies/opportunities in quality Outcomes that are anticipated in order to accomplish the initiatives Appropriate time frames to re-evaluate data and provide a new analysis. Justify your response Note: Your Project must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with at least eight high-quality references, including four from peer-reviewed journals. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. This Project will be graded using this rubric: Final Project Rubric (PDF). Your Project should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations. This is Assignment is due August 05, 2018. Thank you!
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